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Every customer situation is unique. Therefore, all pricing is done on an individual case basis. This allows every single customer need to be addressed during the initial network evaluation. This results in pricing that does not include any subsidies or unnecessary customer costs.

This is the great thing about working with a non profit provider. We are not focused on subsidizing other products or customers or making money for shareholders – we are focused on covering our expenses and offering the community the high speed internet they have desired.

Contact us to request a quote.

Below are PANGAEA’s Broadband labels for Consumers. The service offered varies by location.

Click here to view PANGAEA Broadband Label for 500/500MG service (not available in every area)
Click here to view PANGAEA Broadband Label for 500/500MG service

Typical speeds do not always match actual speeds as service varies based on internet/website congestion and many other factors. Wi-Fi speeds also vary based on device limitations and concurrent users (within your residence – PANGAEA does provide dedicated fiber bandwidth to every customer).